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If you’ve found your way here, I want you to know:

 you’re not broken. You’re not a failure. And, no. PCOS is not your fault.

You landed here for a reason, especially if-

You’re unsure what PCOS means for you and feel confused by all the treatment options. *Insert exasperated sigh*, where do you even begin? You spend more hours than you care to count on forums and FB groups looking for answers. Or someone who gets it.

If you’re like many of the women I see in my virtual clinic, you’ve started to believe that you’ve done something wrong. The nutrition advice you’ve heard is limited at best. At its worst - uninformed. From ‘cut carbs’ to ‘ditch dairy,’ you’re second-guessing everything you eat. You’re tired of hearing “lose a few kilos” or “let’s try the pill”. You’re overwhelmed by conflicting and generic advice.

That somehow, your PCOS or fertility struggles are your fault.

I’m here to remind you that you haven’t done anything to cause your condition. And I want to assure you that where you are today doesn’t have to be your final destination.

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Hello, I’m Ebony Crameri. 

Welcome to Project Nutrition - your online destination for expert PCOS, fertility and IVF nutrition advice…without the frustration and overwhelm. 

As an Accredited Practising Dietitian & Nutritionist, I’ll guide you every step of the way towards feeling more like you and less of a stranger in your own body..  

Project Nutrition exists to help you manage PCOS symptoms, improve your quality of life and boost your fertility with whole foods and simple lifestyle interventions.  Because fad diets, restrictive eating, cutting out whole groups, loading up on all the supplements and obsessive exercise are not the answer.   

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Working as a clinical dietitian for over 12 years, I saw more and more women looking for professional guidance to help them manage their PCOS symptoms and improve their fertility.

However, it wasn’t until I experienced my fertility and recurrent pregnancy loss struggles, that I truly understood the need for high-quality, PCOS and fertility nutrition advice.

Throughout my teens and 20s, I struggled with irregular and sometimes completely absent cycles. Despite this, it didn’t occur to me that I’d have trouble starting my family. I always imagined I’d stop taking the pill and bam! - I’d be pregnant. Perhaps you can relate, but this certainly wasn’t the case for me. After an unexpected pregnancy that ended in miscarriage, I went through years of difficulties falling pregnant, recurrent miscarriages, fertility treatments and anxiety. 

Eight years on, I’m Mum to two little ones - something at times I never imagined possible. I’m also the founder and director of Project Nutrition - an online PCOS + fertility nutrition practice. 

While this experience taught me so much, it made one thing super clear:

If I was a qualified dietitian and I didn’t completely understand the role of nutrition in managing PCOS, regulating ovulation, improving egg quality and supporting fertility - then how could we expect the average woman to essentially figure this out on her own?

This was the catalyst for me finding a niche that - as cliche, as it sounds - felt like my true calling. I went on to further my education to become a qualified PCOS, fertility and IVF nutrition specialist - and created Project Nutrition.


 What makes Project Nutrition different?

Here’s the thing, there are a lot of health gurus and ‘wellness experts’ floating around social media who’ve made every claim under the sun about how to cure PCOS and boost fertility.  

As a qualified nutritionist + dietitian, fertility & IVF nutrition expert, I’m here to do what health experts should do: focus on health science more so than health fads. 

Because looking after your hormone health is more than simply doing what looks good on social media - it’s about tailoring your diet and lifestyle based on your body and your goals. 

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Considering working together?

 Here are 5 things you can expect from me.



Accredited Practising Dietitian & Nutritionist Credentials 

You’ll have peace of mind knowing that the information I provide you is credible and backed by the best available science.  

It takes hard work and dedication to achieve and maintain Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) status. APDs are university qualified, are required to complete ongoing professional development and must abide by a strict code of conduct and ethics to maintain their credentials.


Experience & Expertise 

With over 12 years of experience as a dietitian, I’ve worked with hundreds of women to help them achieve their health goals. 

Combining this experience with evidence-based information, I’ll provide you with tailored and professional advice and guidance to help you achieve results.

Additionally, I’m a member of Early Life Nutrition Alliance, an Australia-wide team of experienced Accredited Practising Dietitians specialising in fertility, pregnancy & women’s health, which means you’re getting specialised, best-practice care.




Results Focused

I’m all about helping you achieve the results you want - which means that when we work together, I go beyond simply giving you information.

Together, we’ll set goals and create actionable steps so that you achieve results.


Skill Building 

When we work together, you’ll not only be armed with nutritional information, goals and an action plan, but I’ll also provide you with the practical skills needed for success.

From meal planning to shopping and cooking, I’ll empower you with all the practical knowledge needed to help make eating a nutritious diet as simple and enjoyable as possible.  




Tailored for you 

When it comes to your health, there is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all approach. Working together one-on-one means that I’ll create a nutrition plan that’s individualised specifically for your current goals, lifestyle, food preferences, budget, skill level and lifestyle.  



Well, look at you super scroller! You’ve made it to the end of the About Page - want even more?

If you’re ready to work together, get all the details on my Work With Me pages.

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Not quite ready yet? That’s OK - but I’d hate for you to leave empty-handed…

Before you go, be sure to grab my Free 7-Day Fertility Boosting Meal Plan

The perfect starter to give you a taste of my nutrition philosophy 

(hint: it’s simple, wholesome and delicious).

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Real food, real women & a healthy dose of science

Join our community so you don’t miss out on our exclusive recipes, tips & nutrition inspiration

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