PCOS Super Smoothie to beat your 3pm sugar cravings

If you find yourself searching for sweet treat when 3pm rolls around, here’s a quick solution for your afternoon PCOS sugar cravings.

My PCOS friendly hunger busting high protein smoothie!!

Person making a PCOS friendly chocolate banana smoothie to help with cravings

PCOS Hunger Busting Smoothie

Serves 1


1 cup of milk of your choice (I love almond milk or cows milk)

1 scoop of chocolate protein powder

1 small frozen banana

1 tbsp ground LSA (ground linseed, sunflower seed & flaxseed)

Extra ice or water to make it a consistency you enjoy


1. Put all ingredients into a blender & blend on high speed until smooth

2. Add extra ice or water & blend if you like a thinner consistency

3. Pour into a glass & enjoy this nourishing snack that will keep you feeling full for hours.

If you need help managing PCOS symptoms like cravings, insulin resistance, irregular cycles & difficulties losing weight, book a free 15minute Clarity Call here. We can discuss what you’re struggling with & your next best steps moving forward. I can’t wait to meet you!